By Mark Scott, executive director of Market MontGOmery Chamber & Tourism
Question 1: Is joining a local chamber of commerce, or in this case Market MontGOmery Chamber & Tourism, worth the cost?
Answer: For most businesses, membership to Market MontGOmery Chamber & Tourism is 100 percent tax deductible because it is a 501(c)(3); therefore, it costs you nothing in the long run.
Question 2: If joining is tax deductible, then the worst I can do is gain things. Give me an example of how someone might gain something of value.
Answer: The Peach Festival is offering booths at a rate of $125 for Friday and Saturday. They just announced that they will offer a limited number of spots to Market MontGOmery members for $40. $125 minus $40 equals a savings of $85.
Question 3: What if I can’t work a Peach Festival booth. Is there another concrete example of savings for me by being a member?
Answer: The annual Legislative Lunch is free to members of Market Montgomery. Each member can send two people from their business/organization to MCC for the free meal, a networking opportunity with area leaders and business owners and an opportunity to hear from and ask questions of state and federal-level elected officials and/or their area representatives.
Question 4: Will the chamber produce customers?
Answer: Just one example is how the Small Business Saturday campaign doubled, tripled and in some cases quadrupled sales for our member businesses last year compared to the year before, resulting in hundreds and thousands of dollars in increased sales and revenue for dozens of businesses.
The above does not even mention increased local newspaper and television coverage, access to statewide resources, free marketing opportunities, free or reduced offerings at business openings or expansions that do trial openings with chamber members only, and much more. For a list of more member benefits and information on how you can join with memberships starting for as little as $100, click here.