Editor’s note: Jeff and Linda Cathcart recently bought the old Pee Dee Presbyterian Church outside Mt. Gilead and are converting it into their home. Through weekly installments, they’re updating Speckled Paw readers on their progress; below is the fifth part of the series. Here are the previous articles: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
His will be done … In the Bible, the Apostle John wrote, “And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.” (1 John 3:22) We can have confidence about God answering our prayers when we are obediently following Him and praying according to His will.
From before the beginning of the conversion of the old Pee Dee Church we have prayed incessantly – not for our purpose, but for God’s will to be done. And as they always do, things are turning out for the best. Along the way, we had to make some decisions that seemed perplexing at first, especially while trying to strike the right balance between renovation and preservation. Do we convert the existing restrooms or add a bathroom? Should we buy a bed or repurpose materials and build a bed? Would it be better to purchase kitchen cabinets or build an island bar with wall shelves from repurposed materials? For the sake of preservation, should we refinish the floors or paint them? And the list goes on …
What we found was, with each decision that had to be made, there really was no perplexity; in each scenario the answer was clear. Either because our budget required a particular direction or because any other way just would not be careful or feasible. Truly, God closed all doors and left only one obvious door open in every situation.
God is continuing to have His way with His house. Check this out: From before the world existed, God saw the Pee Dee Church and knew exactly what He wanted it to be in 2019. Now, check your arm for chill bumps. Oh yes, our names may be on the papers at the courthouse, but God still owns the House – always has, always will – all praise and glory to the Lamb of God.
This week, the men’s room was disassembled, pipes replaced, walls painted, and it will remain a restroom with a new commode and pedestal sink. The ladies’ room was converted to a shower enclosure. The pastor’s study (most recently used as a nursery) was converted into a walk-in closet. The granite countertop was affixed to the top of the kitchen island bar and electric receptacles were added to all four corners of the bar. A washer and dryer were installed beside the hot water heater in the fellowship building. The custom-built king-size bed frame now rests where many pastors once preached the good news and the tread-worn floors are now dressed in two new coats of paint – and they sparkle, with their former magnificence forever encased therein.
Next week, the plumber and electrician will return to tie it all together and the following week the roofer will put the new shingles on the fellowship building. That still, small voice has been loud and clear for us thus far, and we will continue to listen and follow His path for our next steps in this incredible journey from church to home. We remain so humbled and grateful that the God of the universe has chosen to use us for His purpose and glory. Stay tuned for one more update before it is finished.
We have enjoyed following your restoration journey and also been delighted to read your articles that have accompanied the photos. Its very exciting to see everything falling into place. Bless you both for taking on this labor of love.