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Special to the Speckled Paw Times

Robert “Bob” Jones began his career in local government after serving 20 years in the U.S. Marine Corps. Among the medals he earned in his military service are the Air Medal, Navy Achievement Medal, Navy Commendation Medal and the Kuwait Liberation Medal. The majority of his Marine career was as a CH53E helicopter crew chief. This duty provided him the opportunity to travel throughout the world.

Bob met his wife, Roxanne, while stationed in Hawaii, where they were married. They have three grown children and six grandchildren, all of whom enjoy outdoor activities and various types of sports. 

Originally from Maryland, he chose to retire from the Marine Corps in North Carolina, and began a new career in local government. Over more than 20 years, he has held positions as a town manager, executive director and public service director. He has been involved in capital improvement projects such as wastewater treatment plant expansions, elevated water tanks, stormwater upgrades and street/sidewalk improvements. He currently holds several N.C. water/sewer certifications: Class “A” Water Distribution, Grade 4 Wastewater Collections, “A” Well Operator, Cross Connection Control Operator and Pesticide Applicator.

As town manager, Bob says he “is responsive to citizens and ensures that the town delivers a high level of quality services. He believes the community is unique and creates its own vision in which the town is a pleasant place to live, work and raise a family.”