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The 411 on new school: Lake retirees aren’t enough

The 411 on new school: Lake retirees aren’t enough

Photo: MCC President Chad Bledsoe chats with Montgomery County Schools board member Sandra Miller on Monday night, while MCS Superintendent Dale Ellis looks on. By Kyle Poplin • “It’s all about economic development.” That’s what Dale Ellis, superintendent of...
Letters to the editor: Downtown traffic solutions

Letters to the editor: Downtown traffic solutions

The issue: Several downtown merchants are worried about the speed of traffic downtown. Last week, we talked about the idea of turning the stoplight at Ingram and Main streets into a four-way stop, as a way to “calm” traffic. That drew the responses below. Express your...
Review: How to eat kudzu. As if.

Review: How to eat kudzu. As if.

By Bob Tedder • My Grandfather Tedder had sagacious advice for those wanting to grow kudzu. Plough a 40-acre field, take a kudzu clipping to the exact center of the area, drop the cutting and then run as fast as you can. James Dickey had a more polished but equally...
Review: Book on Philly truly a ‘ta-da’

Review: Book on Philly truly a ‘ta-da’

By Bob Tedder • Not being a well-traveled tourist, I have at best a schoolboy’s knowledge of Philadelphia. So I faced a quandary when presented with Professor Kenneth Finkel’s book “Insight Philadelphia.” Did I care enough about this relatively unknown and...
The Antagonist of the American Dream

The Antagonist of the American Dream

Welcome to ‘With Conviction,’ a new regular column by working mom Brooke McIntosh Crump. I recently saw a blog being shared across my timeline entitled, “What if all I want for my kids is an ordinary life?” The blogger mentions that her son wants to score...