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Field Notes: Derelicts and relics
The author, John Marek, is a writer and CEO of the Anson Economic Development Partnership. It is one of the more common tropes of science fiction; intrepid explorers come across the remains of a derelict spaceship drifting in the void. Once bustling with activity,...
Water Wise Gardening
I don’t know if y’all noticed, but it was a very hot summer! Being resourceful and environmentally conscious in our gardens is more vital than ever. One of the most effective methods to conserve water and maintain moisture in the soil is through mulching. Mulch acts...
Retired? Consider benefits of part-time work
After spending decades in the workforce, you might look forward to the day you retire. But if you decide, for one reason or another, that you’d like to redefine “retirement” to include part-time work or consulting, you could enjoy exercising your skills and meeting...
Field Notes: The politics of the stone
The author, John Marek, is a writer and CEO of the Anson Economic Development Partnership. In an era where digital screens and virtual connections often dominate our lives, it's heartening to witness parents creating "analog" experiences for their children and the...
Savor the Seasons: Fall Vegetables
Autumn in Zone 8 offers gardeners a respite from the summer heat, but it doesn’t mean putting the trowel and gloves away. As leaves turn and days shorten, a new gardening chapter begins. As summer bids adieu, it's time to harvest the bounties of the warm season. Fresh...
Retirees: Talk finances with your grown children
When you’re retired, you’ll likely have some financial concerns — just like all retirees. However, if you’ve invested regularly and followed a long-term financial strategy, you should be able to address most issues that come your way. But there’s one important action...
Field Notes: Where is everybody?
The author, John Marek, is a writer and CEO of the Anson Economic Development Partnership. At some point during my junior high years, I checked a book on UFOs out of the school library. I don't remember the exact title, but it was along the lines of "UFOs: Fact or...
Bug Bites Aren’t So Bad
You read that right, bug damage from perceived pests might not be as bad as we think. Texas A&M AgriLife Research science folks have figured out that when bugs munch on the leaves of fruit and vegetable plants, it's not all bad news. Turns out, this leaf-wounding...
Inflation can be ‘shocking’ in retirement
When you retire, you hope that you’ll be able to anticipate the events that could cause you financial challenges down the road. For one thing, most retirees are probably aware that, even if they remain healthy, their health care costs may rise, even if they’re covered...
Field Notes: Polka dot com
The author, John Marek, is a writer and CEO of the Anson Economic Development Partnership. A few years ago, quite by accident, I found myself at a festival in Troutman, N.C., featuring a "modern" polka band from the mysterious faraway land of Chardon, Ohio. To...
Introduction to Master Gardener Musings by Mary Poplin
I'm Mary Morley Poplin, the gardening enthusiast you might know from The Gathering Garden in our lovely town of Mount Gilead, and I'm also a proud member of the Montgomery County Master Gardeners. I am so excited to begin Master Gardener Musings here in our local...
Can you build an estate plan like a house?
If you’ve ever been involved in building a house — or even if you’ve just heard about it — you know that there’s a well-defined process to be followed. But here’s something to think about: Some of the same steps connected to constructing a home are the same as those...