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Field Notes: Unemployment vs. unenjoyment

Field Notes: Unemployment vs. unenjoyment

The author, John Marek, is executive director of the Anson Economic Development Partnership.  For the first two years of my college career, I attended Ohio University. OU was notable in the day because it adhered to a “quarter” schedule while most schools had...
Barn Blast helps kids take off

Barn Blast helps kids take off

By Emily Granholm PHOTO: Caroline Goins, left, and her team at the Anson County Partnership for Children. This week Paw barista Emily Granhom met with Caroline Goins, the executive director of Anson County Partnership for Children, which has the mission of making...
#ShopLocal: Take a deep breath at Indie Studios

#ShopLocal: Take a deep breath at Indie Studios

By Emily Granholm Do you ever have those moments when you need to be creative but there always seems to be an excuse? Well not anymore. Check out the cool space Dawn McElroy has created at Indie Studios. Dawn, creative director, opened Indie Studios in August 2017...