by Mt Gilead | May 8, 2024 | MT. GILEAD
John B. Marek is a writer, farmer, outdoorsman and recovering economic developer. You can find his books at Around this time every spring, a truck with a large metal tank would pull up to my family’s rural Ohio home and offer to spray for...
by Mt Gilead | Apr 30, 2024 | MT. GILEAD
John B. Marek is a writer, farmer, outdoorsman and recovering economic developer. You can find his books at Whatever your thoughts about the causes of the recent surge in inflation, it would be hard to argue that prices of everyday goods and services...
by Mt Gilead | Apr 23, 2024 | MT. GILEAD
John B. Marek is a writer, farmer, outdoorsman and recovering economic developer. You can find his books at Green beans are among the most accessible, reliable and productive vegetables a gardener can plant. They thrive in, and generally improve, a...
by Mt Gilead | Apr 16, 2024 | MT. GILEAD
John B. Marek is a writer, farmer, outdoorsman and recovering economic developer. You can find his books at Under any circumstances, choosing a church can feel like a daunting task, but for newcomers to a rural area the typical issues of theological...
by Mt Gilead | Apr 14, 2024 | Master Gardener Musings
Many of you know that I help organize and run The Gathering Garden (TGG), Mount Gilead’s Community Garden in the heart of downtown. This organic community garden is not just a plot of land where plants grow; it’s a vibrant, inclusive space where our neighbors...