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‘Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus’

‘Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus’

As part of our special Christmas Memories edition, we couldn’t resist sharing what in our mind is the greatest newspaper editorial ever written. Penned by Francis Pharcelus Church (pictured) of the old New York Sun in 1897, it’s an answer to a letter to the editor...
‘The small whisper of kindness’

‘The small whisper of kindness’

A Christmas memory by Colleen Boggess Retired now, my lovely friend was an elementary school teacher. She is smart, fair, firm and has the kindest, most loving and giving heart. A story she related to me. It was Christmastime and as custom goes, before the holiday...
Highland Community Center celebrates the holidays

Highland Community Center celebrates the holidays

By Earl Leake The Highland Community Center welcomed the holiday season with its annual Christmas banquet Saturday night, highlighted by the longstanding fashion show.  The master of ceremonies, Beverly Harris, doubled as a standup comic and she kept the audience...