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Gardening for Wildlife

Gardening for Wildlife

In the heart of North Carolina’s Piedmont region, gardens are verdant intersections where nature and humanity meet. More and more gardeners want to attract the whimsical dance of birds, bees, and butterflies, harmonizing their gardens with the natural world....
Own a business? Consider these retirement plans

Own a business? Consider these retirement plans

If you own a small business or are self-employed, you’ve always got plenty to do, but you can’t forget about the days when you’ll be less busy — that is, when you’re retired. How can you prepare for that time of your life? One key step is establishing a retirement...
Own a business? Consider these retirement plans

What does it cost not to have life insurance?

It’s probably not on your calendar, but September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. And that means it’s a good time to become more aware of the benefits of having life insurance — and the dangers of not having it. Unfortunately, confusion about some of the basic...